Our Company Goal

As an indigenous-owned entity, Lasqueti Cannabis is passionately dedicated to empowering and supporting our community. We pledge to allocate 5% of our net profits to fund research into cannabis' role in addressing addiction and mental wellness issues, particularly among the First Nations people. Acknowledging the critical significance of mental health support, we firmly believe in the positive impact that cannabis can contribute in this field.

Beyond philanthropy, we also aim to honour and disseminate the invaluable knowledge of cannabis cultivation that Lasqueti Island inhabitants have amassed over half a century. We are dedicated to preserving and sharing this wisdom within the First Nations and all communities.

Our overarching goal merges these commitments – giving back to our community and fostering knowledge sharing – allowing us to build a unique and consequential cannabis company. We enthusiastically embrace our role within this burgeoning industry, anticipating the remarkable community impact that awaits.

“Our mission is to provide natural alternatives for health and wellness, honouring our dedicated growers' legacy and nature's healing power."

Our Promise


Cannabis is like any plant, it needs to be grown and treated with love & dedication.

The communities view on cannabis

“It is all medicinal”


Our grow team aims for the cleanest natural smoke. Grow methods refined on Lasqueti for the past 5 decades are brought into practice within the facility.


The team uses all organic products in their growing practises. We bring onto the market unique strains that have been developed and nurtured on island.

Our Story

As Keith Morris, a member of the Cree Nation, moved to Lasqueti Island in 1993, he saw a community with great potential. With his business venture, Lasqueti Island Resort, and KGL Freight services, he put his heart and soul into building a successful enterprise on the island. However, as time passed, he noticed a decline in the once thriving cannabis industry with the onset of legalization. Alongside him, Kathy Bond witnessed the firsthand impacts on the local economy as she managed the hotel and pub from 2010-2020.

Despite the challenges, the two were determined to revive the island's economy and started the first application with Health Canada in 2014. However, years of jumping through hoops, coupled with difficulty finding investors, made progress slow and tedious. Nonetheless, their unwavering commitment never wavered. In 2020, the hotel was sold, which freed up funds to start their vision without the need for outside investors.

The dream is simple but significant: to bring back the island's most exceptional crop. The Lasqueti Cannabis Co. was born, with a goal to produce the highest quality cannabis that will make the island proud. The vision is not just about commerce, but also about giving back to the island community by creating job opportunities and building a collective sense of purpose.

As they set out to build the business, Keith and Kathy aim to cultivate sustainable farming practices with minimal impacts on the surrounding environment. The approach will prioritize quality, rather than quantity, and the unique geographical location, remote from the mainland, will provide a unique perspective on how to grow cannabis sustainably.

Today, the teams hard work is paying off. Lasqueti Cannabis Co. is thriving, and locals are excited about the future for the community. As they produce high-quality cannabis, Keith and Kathy's dedication continues to inspire others to take ownership of their ideas and make them a reality. They believe that the stories we share about our successes and struggles will continue to motivate others in their own dreams.